Toto Toilets
During the COVID-19 pandemic, households were told to quarantine, and go into lockdown. and No one knew how long the lockdown would last, so this caused many items to either go out of stock or become increased in demand, still causing delays today. One of the items that went out of stock for months, one that no one ever expected… yep you guessed it – toilet paper. Crazily enough, people got creative and this has actually led to bidet toilets being more popular!
A High Tech Toilet
Toto brings the latest engineering and design trends into the bathroom at home, while including aesthetic and performance. These days as homeowners are wanting to be more sustainable, toilets are advancing more than ever. From using far less water, to no toilet paper being used at all. The technology Toto brings to the table is beyond comparable to the competitors, there is no better option.
- 1G Tornado Flush gravity-fed system: ultra-efficient and quiet one-gallon flush
- CeFiONtect: extremely smooth, ionized glaze that repels debris and keeps the toilet cleaner.
- Easier to clean with a hole free rim ensuring less dirt build up

This system brings the most advanced japanese technology to the global market. A nozzle extends underneath the toilet seat and shoots water at the consumer’s intensity levels. The user can control the amount of water, the pressure and the positioning of the water jet.
Toto is a forward thinking company, always looking for advancements while being energy and cost efficient. These products are easily accessible to the global market and worth the investment of toilet paper and water bill energy savings.